I am sure most of us have said “I can’t sing.” And maybe we feel like we can’t, especially when
comparing ourselves to professionals. But
really, everyone CAN sing. Some people
choose not to out of embarrassment or shyness, or disappointment, etc. I am not the exception—I have uttered the
above sentence more then I can count in my short life time so far. I grew up with a step-father who informed me
at a very young age that listening to music was OK but singing was not. He his words succeed in stopping me from
singing in the car or at home when he was there but there was one place he
couldn't stop me and that was at school where
I joined the choir. I remained a
member of it all through elementary school, but sadly ended there for a long
After becoming a Christian and a mother, that desire to sing was
aroused once more. It keeps me at peace
while rocking my children at 3 a.m.; it puts them asleep when I put them down
for naps and bed time. I now watch my
three year old make up her own songs.
This has made me realize how much singing is a natural, innate a part of
us like an involuntary reaction.
Specifically, I sing different Psalms, songs of deep praise to a
Father who loves the world. David
understood singing and worship in a way that most of us struggle to. He knew
that singing is a powerful act of worship of God, all that He is, and all that
He does. God also doesn't care that I am
not a good singer or that any of us are 'good' singers. What He cares about is the praise He receives
from us all and that we worship Him with all of our heart from the bottom of
our heart.
Remember next time you are afraid to sing that singing is an act
of worship, a pleasing aroma to the Lord.
He is not paying attention if you’re off tune or tempo He is looking at
your heart.
“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 9:1-2)